In this newsletter:
– Where to meet ABS in 2020?
– ABS Seed: Growers online website
– ABS Seed: US Customer – United Genetics Seed
– ABS Breeding: Extension parent tree
– ABS Seed: One of the new functionalities in V 11.20: sample placement
– ABS Seed: Movie Document troubles
Where to meet ABS in 2020
– October 11/13 Euro Seeds Congress, Malta (more info)
ABS Seed: Growers online website
Due to COVID-19 we all travel less. The good news is ABS can help your field inspectors, now that they are not able to travel to all the fields to inspect them. By allowing your growers to fill your inspection data, you can obtain your inspection data without travelling.
The ABS Growers On-line Website provides a solution for your external growers to enter your elementary production data in ABS themselves! This means less travel and you don’t have to retype any production data send by e-mail by your growers.
In your seed productions it is very important to collect data on your growing crops on a regular basis and in an easy way. When you have outsourced seed productions with growers you can use ABS Growers online website. Your growers can enter their findings on your inspection items on their own fields. Updates like status of the field, diseases, off-types, yield estimations etc. can be provided in simple mouse clicks.

Yield inspection screen on laptop
ABS Growers online is connected to your ABS Seed software, making the growers information available for you in real-time. User-friendliness and multi-language are the keys to get all your growers online. The website is adaptive to desktop, tablet as well as mobile phone.
If you would like to know more, please check our website www.agrosolutions.nl and request for a demo. With ABS Growers Online, get your growers connected
ABS Seed: US Customer – United Genetics Seed
“After evaluating in 2016 a couple of Seed Management systems United Genetics has chosen ABS as their main ERP because of the options on inventory, processing, production and the quality modules”, the IT Manager Luis Alvarez explains.
United Genetics Seed is a vegetable seed breeding company under the Kagome Group which is a multinational food service conglomerate based out of Japan. United Genetics LLC head office is in Hollister CA with subsidiaries in Italy, Turkey, India, Mexico, and Spain. UGS has breeding stations in the US, Italy, Spain, and India.
United Genetics varieties are bred in their stations with commercial seeds being produced with smallholder contract farmers in many countries. The varieties are then primarily sold to distributors throughout the world. UGS sells crops such as Tomato (Fresh Market/Processing), Pepper, Melon, Watermelon, Cucumber, Squash, and Onion.
“Our 20 ABS users are working across several departments including Production Planning, Receiving/Sampling, Sales, Quality, Finance, and Customer Service” tells Luis. “The main advantages of using ABS Seed are the overall visibility of varieties from pre-commercial development to organization of production contracts.
Furthermore, the ease in the control of inventory and processing to packing and distribution for stock seed and commercial products is very useful. The one thing that can be improved is the amount of available reports”, Luis explains.
ABS has become the central seed management system for several areas within our business and Luis is looking forward to implement and utilize the planning and forecasting modules.
And, as Luis says, “I would be happy if dynamic and dashboard reporting will be implemented as soon as possible”.
ABS Breeding: Extension parent tree
Built in is the opportunity to save options in the parent tree, so you don’t have to adjust the view every time you open the ‘large parent tree’. Options are to be saved on user level. Each user is able to choose its own options and save them as a pre-set. The options can be chosen from the properties in the settings of the parent tree in your ABS Breeding. These properties are flexible and can be configured in the administration menu.
ABS Seed: One of the new functionalities in V 11.20: sample placement
“Sample placement” replaces the old quality protocols. Quality protocols will remain, but only for specific situations, like cluster samples, leaf samples and inventory sampling.
The goal of “sample placement” is to design which quality tests needs to be executed per CROP/VARIETY and when this should take place. Before the quality protocol was set in ABS per PROCESS. Now the process is irrelevant, which leads to less configuration. Also, a result check is built in, so a new test will only be created if an inherited result is below the norm.
The inheritance of quality result from one batch to the next is simplified. Since inheritance is in many cases the same for a lot of varieties, one configuration can be applied to many crops. Exceptions can still be managed using the quality protocol.
You can change your configuration in ABS per CROP from using the old quality protocols configuration to using “sample placement”. The configuration can also be tested per crop by a script, before going live.
Advantages of using “sample placement”, compared to the old quality protocols configuration:
- Less configuration
- Better overview on quality tests
- Possible to create tests based on inventory status
- Less samples and tests
Ask your ABS consultant for assistance to configure sample placement in your company!