In this newsletter:
– Where to meet ABS?
– ABS Seed: ABS Seed to .NET
– ABS Breeding: What is new in ABS Breeding/Trials/Field Map?
– ABS Seed: ABS Reports Webtool
– ABS barcode scanning: Watch the movie and see how ABS can help you!
Where to meet ABS in 2020
– October 11/13 Euro Seeds Congress, Malta (more info)
Due to the cancellation of the congress you cannot meet us in person. If you are interested to meet us we can set-up a meeting over internet. You can contact Ineke (ile@agrosolutions.nl) or Dorien (dve@agrosolutions.nl) to set up a meeting for you.
ABS Seed: ABS Seed to .NET
In July 2020 we have formally explained to our ABS Seed customers our decision to move from MAGIC to a .NET platform. Our advantages of converting to .NET are:

- .Net provides a modern, well known, windows-oriented platform
- We have a better control over performance
- Extended options for object-oriented development
- ABS moves into the mainstream of development tools that are available today
- A step towards more manners to access ABS Seed in the future over the internet.
In July we have finished the technical testing with positive results. During August, we have also finished the functional testing of the converted ABS Version 11.30 including all related programs. Now and then we still find small issues which we repair on the fly.
Today with ABS Seed Version 11.40 we are in the middle of tests to also improve the performance of the converted version.
In the next period we will start with training the ABS Seed development team on .NET. We are also setting up new tools and procedures such as those for version control to generate more automatically new ABS Seed versions.
We are in line with our schedule and expect to release the first customer .NET version during the first quarter of 2021. We will keep you informed.
ABS Breeding: What is new in ABS Breeding/Trials/Field Map?
User permissions+ Module
Using this module the administrator can narrow down information in ABS. Each detail on the screen can be made visible or not. On field level user rights can be assigned. This also makes it possible to give your relations limited rights in your ABS software.
User exports Module
For more efficiency it was already possible to export and import data from and to ABS Breeding using the excel import-export module. But using this new Module not only your administrator can create excel exports, now also each authorised user can do this. This will decrease the workload of your administrator. The import of new data is still with the administrator because of the high impact of wrong data imports.
Improvements offline App
The offline App gives you the possibility to the register test results in ABS Breeding, while no internet connection is available in the field. The previous offline App had a number of fixed layout columns which could not be altered. This was not really in the spirit of ABS Breeding. We strive for customizability of the visible information.
In the advance search you now have the possibility to manage which layout columns are shown in the offline App. These columns can be shared with other users (who perform the tests) using a certain preset. In the web version of ABS Breeding you can now tick the box: Offline App.
After saving this preset (offline App test) these columns and filters are now available in the offline App.
With this a user can create custom presets (work lists) for other users, and when opening the offline app they see exactly the records the have to test.
In development
The last new item is still in development: a wiki of ABS Breeding which can be used as a manual.
ABS Seed: ABS Reports Webtool
Do you want to provide a report to your customers?
ABS Seed has an interesting tool available for you!
The ABS Reports Webtool allows your employees / clients / growers / suppliers to access a report through a web browser, without having access to ABS. It works for regular SQL reports.
The administrator decides in ABS the users and the reports they are allowed to see. Your employee, client or grower can login via internet with their email address on this screen:
When logged in the user can select the right module and open the report.