ABS Seed Training Options
In practice, we know that a number of customers do not get the most out of our software. To be in this support we have something new: ABS SEED On-Line Training. Also get the most out of your software package and work more efficiently and cost-effectively? Then follow one of our training courses.
ABS offers on-line training:
Customized for your company only or you can join an open training for all users of different seed companies. The scheduled trainings are listed on this page. Of course, it is also possible to book a customized training on a certain subject on your request.The following standard training courses are offered:
What’s new? ABS Seed Upgrade Training
If you want to upgrade or have upgraded your ABS version to a newer version you can book an Upgrade Training. In this training, you will be informed about new features of all the latest versions.
This training is meant for application managers and key users of ABS Seed.
ABS Seed Tips & Tricks Training
Have you started working with ABS Seed a long time ago?
Do you use only a few buttons and you want to know more about other options? Are you curious to see if you use all options ABS Seed offers you?
Or are you interested in new or more tips or how to use ABS efficiently?
This training covers all the basic processes and shows you an efficient way of working.
The ABS Seed trainer will give you regular tips & tricks. The second part of the training will be filled with questions from the attendees or a wish list sent in advance.
This training is meant for experienced users of ABS Seed.
Overview of ABS
The overview training shows you an overview of all processes that can be registered, monitored and managed in ABS Seed. It shows you the basics of where you can find or do the registrations.
The overview training will also be interesting for (new) managers to be able to understand how it helps your department to register and manage their processes.
This training is meant for new employees, who start working with ABS Seed and for managers who want to have an overview of ABS Seed