Agriculture software for variety trials

24/7 support
Possibility of customization
User-friendly system

If you conduct variety trials you want to keep track of your crops realtime in a reliable and efficient way. You can easily achieve this by using our software solutions. The ABS Seed, Fresh, and Breeding software programs are especially developed to track and trace agricultural business activities. Our software is perfect for variety trials in plant breeding, seed multiplication and fresh produce. Furthermore, both smaller businesses and multinationals can make use of it.

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Keep track of your variety trials with reliable and user-friendly software

Variety trials are best conducted with the help of customized software that was especially designed for smart farming and can be customized to fit your needs. The ABS agriculture software meets both these criteria and comes with additional advantages. For one, it is easy to enter data into the program using mobile solutions and apps. Another advantage is that user rights can be adjusted. The software provides reliable management reporting. which makes for reliable management reporting. Furthermore the software grows with your company and continues to suit it. It is also well maintained and developed further to continue to meet the ever-changing demands of the agriculture sector.

Keep track of all core business activities

Our software can do much more than keep track of your variety trials alone. It also allows you to keep track of other important business processes, such as agriculture logistics. Would you like to know more about the software and the possibilities for a customized solution for your company? Watch our company movie at the homepage, request a demo through the online form or contact us directly. You can reach our customer service by sending an email to

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