Where to meet ABS in the first half of 2022?
If COVID is not preventing us we want to meet you in person again! You can plan a meeting with us on the following events:
- January 11-13 Sival, Angers, FR
- January 31 – Feb. 4 ASTA Vegflo conference, San Diego, US
- May 16-18 ISF Worldseed Congress, Barcelona, Spain
ABS Breeding in Perfect Plants
Perfect Plants creates tissue culture plants as a starting material for agricultural business. Currently its activities are mainly focused on the floricultural business and starter material for virus free potato mini tubers. Although Perfect Plants has sold its pot plants division last April 2021, they are still producing spathiphyllums for their clients. They also produce, stock and store tissue cultural plants to be able to produce mother plants for safety & back up material for some of the key players in the market. This storage is of course virus and diseases free!
At this moment Perfect plants is growing and focusing on food and pharmaceutical products like potatoes and cannabis.
Perfect Plants has 4 labs in the Netherlands, South Africa and Canada and they have almost 200 employees.
One of the people we interviewed is Adeline Rigal, a breeder. She stated: “ ABS is a very flexible solution. You can easily adapt the data into your user preferences. ABS Breeding is used for the breeding activities like managing all parents, crossings and offspring. Its track & trace options are great. It is very easy to register where your parent plants and the crossings are located. ABS Breeding enables to work at a very detailed level!”
Perfect Plants works together with other companies in breeding cannabis. Data of breeding and trailing is managed using ABS Breeding. Because the pot plants division has been sold, Adeline Rigal is currently adding more information, tests and properties for Cannabis only and removing the specific data for pot plants. She advises other customers to label the properties which are crop specific. It would have made her work on ABS Breeding a little easier…
The ABS developers are very service minded and flexible as well. Sometimes it would be easier if she could create the little menus and specific Perfect Plants data herself. She will work on that in the future.
Mr. Jan Jaap Stelwagen, director production of Perfect Plants showing a commercial cannabis greenhouse.
Automatic testing in ABS Seed
Since ABS Seed is based on .NET framework ABS can easier create automatic testing procedures on its programs. Our developers Joost and Mark (see photos) have initiated this project in ABS.
In ABS Seed tens of different programs have been developed in the business logic to calculate the results you want to have on your seed business. Each of those programs can run tens of different scenarios.
Until now software tests were performed by our test department on every request for change which is programmed in a new version of ABS Seed. The most popular scenarios in the main programs are also tested manually before delivering a new version of ABS. This means specific scenarios for a customer can be missed in our testing procedures. Customers always have to test their specific scenarios before upgrading their production environment.
In .NET the development team will use already available options to integrate automatic testing within the new developments. The tests are built in a way that we can re-use them in every next release of ABS Seed.
Recently we have launched our automatic test environment. This means that every night the available automatic test scenarios are run against the latest version in development. Whenever the test procedure discovers an error, the developer receives a message the next morning. Now the developer can immediately correct the program.
ABS is planning to add more and more scenarios to the automatic test environment, so more and more failures are discovered in an early stage. Complaints of customers are checked, if there is already a scenario running or if we have to set up a new scenario. In this way of working more and more scenario’s will be automatically tested every night.
Automatic testing will provide
- Early discovering programming failures
- Less errors
- Less patch versions
- Saving time
And finally, an even better quality of the software………….
Introduction to ABS Production
ABS Production is a web-based software for seed production or seed multiplication companies all around the world. With ABS Production you can manage & register all your outstanding productions and field inspections.
This software can be used by small and midsized seed production companies to manage their productions and to inform their customers. The software can also help bigger seed companies, which are looking for a software just to manage their productions.
The software has a menu structure and every menu is linked to one another. The software makes use of one integrated database. No more different Excel sheets with lots of different tabs!
The system is so flexible that you can arrange all your data yourselves and to make all data you need for that activity visible.
And with the advanced search you can filter very fast and precise on the specific data you need, including the different (inventory) labels, stage of the production etc.
Good to know:
- You can work all together in the same software and the same database. No longer waiting till your colleague is finished with the document.
- The system generates a logbook so you know what has been changed by who.
- Both the contracts with your clients and the contracts with your growers can be managed.
- The system can generate a crop report to inform your customers with the up-to-date status of the productions.
- With the off-line app you can register all your field inspections, including pictures!
- All the data you need to generate a grower settlement can easily be calculated in ABS Production.
- Per user you can setup the user permissions, so the user can only see or do what is necessary for his job.
- All quality figures can be registered and connected to the lots
- You do not need to design your screen every time you log in. You can work with presets, so
– If you want the data of all the stock seed that is available? Create your own stock seed preset!
– If you want to know what packaging needs to be done today? Create your own packaging to do list.
“The main reason we chose ABS is the high flexibility, the develop team listened to our needs and tailor made a software that best fit our expectation. Data science is a big trend in the world now all industry has to embrace it. We think the system provided by ABS is a good starting point for our company. “ Tony Szeto – Clover Seed Co., Ltd.
Do you want to know who already has signed up for ABS Production? Ask for our references!
Do you want to know if this software also solves your problems and suits your processes? Please fill out your details at: agrosolutions.nl/our-solutions/abs-production/ and send us a message. Or send an email: dve@agrosolutions.nl or ile@agrosolutions.nl
What’s new in ABS Seed
ABS Seed is constantly developing new and smart functionalities. Below we listed some new features:
Samples for grow-out tests (SR25694-Version 12.30). A new functionality has been added to be able to ship quality samples for grow-out tests around the world with an order number. You will find this new functionality in the sales module of ABS Seed in the program “Sales order sample allocation”.
Default delivery costs based on invoice amount (SR25545-Version 12.30). It is now possible to indicate for a customer default delivery cost. A certain permille of the invoice amount can be set as delivery costs, with a certain minimum amount as well.
Requested declarations overview screen (SR26066- Version 12.40). A screen is created in which all requested declarations are displayed.
Manually inherit multiple quality tests (SR23490-Version 12.40). ABS Seed now offers you the possibility to manually inherit a number of different quality results from one batch to the next batch in one go, instead of one result at a time.
Create in ABS Seed external samples via connect (SR25925- Version 12.40). It is now possible to import automatically an Excel template with external samples. After the import the determination assignments are created automatically in ABS Seed. Working this way samples and determinations do not have to be entered one by one by the user.
If you like more information on the changes involved in our newest ABS Seed versions, ask our consultants. In a remote consultancy session, they can explain the new ABS Seed functionalities.
ABS also has release notes of each new version. These can be found in our ABS Service desk.
If you want to have changes in your ABS Seed, you can book a Request For Change (RFC) in our ABS Service desk.
For the upgrade to a newer ABS Seed version, you can book a Request For Upgrade (RFU) in our ABS Service desk.
ABS advises you to upgrade to a newer version once a year. Every 9 weeks a new release is available for ABS Seed.
On-line ABS training 2022
For 2022 we have already set the first dates.
– ABS Seed Overview Training February 9, 2022 at 8 a.m.
(The Netherlands is GMT+1)
– Tips & Tricks ABS Seed March 10, 2022 at 8 a.m.
– Upgrade training ABS Seed April 5, 2022 at 7.p.m.
Please check our Training information on our website: agrosolutions.nl/training.
If you would like to join a training session or you would like to have more information, please email Dorien van Engelenburg at: dve@agrosolutions.nl
We are looking forward to meeting you at an online ABS training